Nikita Soldatov
I create websites with using trending and modern technologies.
Hello! I'm a Frontend developer who makes fully responsive and crossbrowser websites.
The proccess usualy goes like this: You send me your design made in Photoshop or Sketch (if you don't have, I can make it myself with tools above) → then I make your design alive and responsive for mobile phones, tablets and Desktop PCs with HTML5 & CSS3 → and after that I make the website ineractive with JavaScript.
The proccess usualy goes like this: You send me your design made in Photoshop or Sketch (if you don't have, I can make it myself with tools above) → then I make your design alive and responsive for mobile phones, tablets and Desktop PCs with HTML5 & CSS3 → and after that I make the website ineractive with JavaScript.
Fully Responsive
By default I make your website adaptive & responsive. It's up to you what approach to use: mobile-first with progressive enchantment or desktop-first with gracefull degradation. Of course, I will explain and advise
you to choose the best one.
Totaly Crossbrowser
Websites I create support IE10+ and two latest versions of modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari. For sure, we can make it work for IE8+, but you should ask yourself whether it worths it.
The best pratice is to make code clear and runnig fast. I use these instruments for tests: Google PageSpeed, GTMetrix,
Pingdom and W3C Validator.
Modern technologies
The times when developers used to code in Notepad++ are gone and that's greate! Along with HTML5, CSS3, ES6 I use special soft to make development more clear and easy.